VOZ Studio Live Interview with Vitakari

VOZ Studio Live Interview with Vitakari

Leaving California to attend NYU in Brooklyn at 17 years of age, Vitakari seemed to have a pretty standard life planned, but that plan took a drastic turn very, very quickly. Upon her move to Brooklyn, she constantly saw bug heads replacing her own face when looking in the mirror and further got into immense trouble with the police when acting upon her other hallucinations, eventually leading her to leave the country. Eventually, she moved down south, where her hallucinations grew worse, but luckily she found a method of expressing the things she was seeing and how she truly felt by creating digital collages and writing poetry. Sharing these creative expressions online allowed her to connect with other southern producers, vocalists, and rappers, who gave her a chance to take music seriously. Now back in LA, Vitakari pursues art professionally, creating new tunes, new paintings, and holding new events. Welcome to the Vibe Out Zone Vitakari!

Vitakari's Links:

Interviewed by Lil' Ray

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